Friday, May 6, 2011

Housemanship dan dilema penempatan

Tak pernah terlintas diminda akan ditempatkan ke Hospital Tawau. Terasa dunia gelap bila dapat tahu di tempatkan di Hospital Tawau. Tapi itu dulu... sekarang aku merasakan ini suatu hikmat yang besar. Benarlah plan Allah tu yang terbaik! Kita hanya merancang tapi DIA lebih mengetahui apa yang terbaik...

Anyway, just nak bagi sedikit gambaran mengenai housemanship training kat Hospital Tawau. So far, alhamdulillah rasa bersyukur teramat sangat berada di Hospital Tawau. Secara puratanya jumlah houseman kat Tawau ni dalam 60-70 orang sahaja (berbanding Queen Elizabeth Kota Kinabalu dalam 300++ HO). So dalam satu department tu ada ler dlm 10 org HO. Busy memang busy... tapi banyak gain experience. Most importantly u got the opportunity to do so many procedures that u won't be able to do in other teaching hospitals. IJC insertion, peritoneal dialysis, short/longline, chest tube, bone marrow aspirate, appendicectomy (under supervision), caesarean section  just to name a few... kat sini peluang tu memang besar la. Ingat lagi hari pertama kerja dah buat IJC insertion, second day kerja dah buat pleural tapping...

In term of cases, memang banyak cases yg jarang2 berlaku kat Semenanjung... for example pre/eclampsia tu memang COMMON la kat Hospital Tawau! Cases of TB and Leprosy tu Hospital Tawau lah juara! Maybe sebab compliance rate tu agak rendah kot...

Next, Tawau tu sendiri not too bad. Small city... but facilities all available! Wilayah Celcom lagi tu. Orang2 kat sini tak duduk atas pokok ye for those yg masih ingat Sabah ni mundur giler. Kat sini pergi hospital tak guna rakit atau perahu.

Overall, Hospital Tawau is the best! Penat tak yah cakap... but for the sake of gaining experience this is the best choice. No comment about HospitalSandakan  n Queen Hospital... Welcoming all fresh graduate to Hospital Tawau... u won't regret!


  1. assalamualaikum..
    sy tertarik dgn post ni.
    byk xperience..
    jadik akak da buat sume y best2.sonoknye.
    sy rs mase practical ni tgk je senior buat.
    xde chance pon nk buat sniri kebanyakan procedure.
    hospital tawau mcm best.
    kak,kalo bley sy tahu kat hospital ni ade x y mcm usrah tu?
    sy berminat nk ikut usrah,
    tapi malu sb sy rs sy bkn mcm bdk baik2 y slalu ikut usrah 2.
    sy sedang carik hospital menarik y ade usrah.
    sy ingt nk start mase HO.
    bln 1 ni insyaallah grad.
    akak cte lar lg cket aktiviti akak kat hospital tawau ni.
    tak puas bace..
    mane tahu bley bagi semangat kat sy.
    sy rs blog akak ni nice sgt..
    simple tp berisi..
    sy mintak izin amek cket ilmu dr blog akak ye.

    salam ukhuwah..

  2. very nice and motivating blog.. with useful contents.. i really feel like joining hospital tawau..but i i heard one bad things abt posting in sabah.. many saying tat once u choose to go houseman sabah.. then u will never get posted to peninsular minimum for 5 years... is tat true?? coz if at all i was given chance to do housmean in sabah.. i wanna come back peninsular after houseman.. is tat possible ? pls help me to clear my doubt.. tq doc :)

  3. Anoymous: it's not true at all... so far most of them are posted outside Tawau. those from peninsular usually able to practice MOs outside Sabah...
    please don't buy that statement's just rumour to keep fresh graduate avoiding beging posted to borneo.
    Anyway, working in Sabah is not too bad... especially those from Peninsular... allowances are pretty 'lumayan'. :P
    Hope it helps clear ur mind...

  4. siti ismail: haa we are welcoming fresh graduates to Tawau... kalau ape2 hal contact akak. usrah mesti ada... insya Allah will post more on life as an HO.

  5. as salam, sy org tawau.. like ur post very much.. suma org ingt kami duduk ats pokok. currntly sy study dekat bangalore, india. lg dua thun habis insyaallah.. harap2 dpat bt houseman d tawau juga.. :) need lots of experience..

  6. yeah, sy letak hosp tawau as a 1st choice. skrg tgu interview spa je.. Insya Allah bln puasa or lps raya dah start

  7. Hiya, I have been recently sent to Tawau to do my hseman and I am very apprehensive because its so far away from home and I have never been to west msia before. Would love it, if u could tell me more about the working condition as a houseman in Tawau. I am thinking of appealing. And I would like to know if we would be able to come bk to KL after hsemanship as I am from KL. Thanks a miilon. Looking forward for yr reply :)-J-

  8. anonymous: so far no complaint re the workload in tawau.not as 'jobless' as in other hosp which i like the most. currently there's an influx of HOs from east msia n they r enjoying the placement here. so far we have 80 HOs up till tis month. N we are starting shift system this Sept (i think as a trial for 4 months).So far all the HOs fr east msia survive in Tawau. Tawau is not so bad bha!

  9. assalamualaikum sis..
    is dat true in the terms of management dekat hospital tawau x sama dgn teori yg diguna.. kebanyakan decision specialist base on gerak hati n pengalaman dia..x ikut evidence based medicine and ada yg bercanggah..??
    compare to hospital sandakan which one lg ok utk buat houseman..? i'm currently final yer med student.. juz nk survey awal2 which hospital ok utk wat HO either sandakan or tawau?

  10. assalamualaikum sis..
    cuma nak tahu.. for those HO from west malaysia going to east malaysia (eg: hosp tawau)..akan confirm dapat hostel tak? thank u.

  11. salam...nk minx furhter guidance about life as a doctor in sabah...especially with the new system...then,about the facilities and exposure..harap doc ghazwanie as sabahi dapat beri tunjuk ajar..wslm

  12. cotnd...if,possible,u can reach thru my

  13. salam,

    ive just graduated frm a med school a few months ago.. im thinking of applying either KT, putrajaya or tawau.. i came across your blog when i was looking for ppl who is working in tawau hospital.. i just want to ask your opinion regarding tawau hospital; USRAH (utk muslimin ada tak?), workload, experience, lodging n transportation.. your immediate reply is highly appreciated.. jzkk..

  14. do u have any colleagues which went back to semenanjung after their houseman? i heard tht the pengarah of the hospital tahan the doctors there, because not enough doctors......

  15. Hi Dr Ghazwanie as-Sabahi, good evening there. Im currently a final year medical student and I'm planning to do my housemanship in Tawau. Just a few questions in my mind hope you can help me with that Dr. Firstly how do I transport my vehicle to Tawau from Kl? and how about the accomodation and rental in Tawau? I am also keen on doing Orthopedics as my choice of specialization, is there a plus point in Tawau for Orthopedics? these are just some of the questions Dr Ghazwanie, hope you can help me.= )


    1. Hello there. I dont hav experienc w vehicle transport fr peninsular. But according to my colleagues u have to arrange it w shipping company which may cost u aroun 2-3k for the shipping of ur car. As per accommodation/rental, u can stay in the hosp's hostel for 2 weeks before u can get a proper rental house. I think if u want to do spec in ortho, better do in teaching hosp. But in Tawau, HOs can do CMR, refashioning, tendon repair e.g hands (depends if the MO trusts u or not... Hehe), minor surgeries, ray's amputation (again depends on the MO). (This is from my experience 2 years ago la ya)... Anyway, all d best junior doc! Hope i answered ur questions.

    2. Thank you Doc! you really helped me! I am really keen for Tawau as I will be able to do more hands on practical learning which is never there for me if i go to big crowded hospitals. All my seniors recommend me to go to Tawau eventhough they stayed back in peninsula = ( But my heart is set for Tawau unless something else gets in my way, Hope to see u soon in Tawau Dr. Ghazwanie. thank you so much you have helped alot indeed!!! = )

  16. Hi Dr Ghazwanie,
    I am Albert, a final year medical student.
    How's the situation at Hospital Tawau now? In your post above, one department has 10 HOs 3 years back, how about now? How many HOs in total? Is it common for HOs to get extended like what's happening in Hospital QE?
    Recent news didnt help much in painting Sabah as a safe place to work. What's your opinion in this?
    I am interested in O&G and based on your blog post, it seems like Hospital Tawau is a gold mine for me!

    Sorry too many questions. Kalau jumpa, sure blanja doc. =)

    1. Hi Albert! Sorry for d late reply. Accordin to my colleague, there shud be less than 15 HOs per dept. At least 4 HOs per ward per shift. To get extended is not that common la... (Based on my experience la 2 yrs ago!). Most important is show ur interest... good team work, get r job done, GOOD ATTITUDE!
      Btw, Sabah is a safe place to work! ;)

  17. Hi Dr. Ghazwanie, me and Albert are from the same Univerity and we are making to plan our move to Tawau, just a few unsettled questions. We have no one else to tell us about Hospital Tawau except you. Just another question to add from what Albert asked. Is Tawau still following the on call system? or have they changed to the shift system for us housemen. Thanks in advance Dr. = )

  18. I am just graduating and now waiting for the call to practice in Hospital Tawau ^^

  19. Assalamu'alaikum

    Apa khabar Dr. Ghazwanie As-Sabahi?

    Nama saya Muhammad Mursyid. Saya baru menamatkan pelajaran di Kuliah Perubatan.

    Saya terjumpa blog doktor, ketika cuba mencari maklumat mengenai posting housemanship di Hospital Tawau

    Jika Dr tidak keberatan, saya ada beberapa soalan mengenai housemanship di Hospital Tawau

    1. Berapa jumlah terkini Houseman di Hospital Tawau? adakah ramai dan berlaku lambakan Dr. pelatih?

    2. Adakah banyak peluang untuk belajar dan melakukan prosedur-prosedur perubatan atau berlaku perebutan antara Dr pelatih sepertimana yang berlaku di sesetengah hospital di semenanjung?

    3. Bagaimana pula dengan suasana kerja di Hospital, adakah para doktor pelatih dijaga kebajikan mereka? Adakah kadar pelanjutan latihan housemanhip (extension) itu tinggi?

    4. Dari segi penempatan, kos sara hidup dan pengangkutan di adakah mahal ataupun sederhana? Bagaimana dengan pengangkutan awam di Tawau? adakah efisien atau tidak praktikal?

    Segala jawapan dan kerjasama Dr saya dahulukan dengan ucapan Terima Kasih

    1. (1) Jumlah sebenar tidaklh sy ketahui. Mengikut rakan yg masih bertugas di sana, ada penambahan dlm bilangan HO. Tapi tidaklah sampai lambakan HO sehingga "jobless".
      (2) Peluang utk membuat prosedur tu sentiasa ada bagi HOs. Tapi siapa yg rajin maka peluang tu lagi besar. Siapa yg ingin belajar peluang tu lagi cerah. Semasa sy jd senior HO, sy nampak jr2 HO ramai yg tak ambil peluang utk buat prosedur... Last2 skali senior HO yg byk buat. Alasan: tak pandai, takut, nak balik cepat etc etc. Jadi rebutlah peluang yg ada. Peluang banyak cuma kena rajin. :)
      (3) Di mana2 pun kebajikan HO terjamin. Sepanjang jadi HO, memang nak makan pun curi2 masa. Zaman HO adlh zaman yg mencabar. Honestly, zaman HO ni stress tau. Especially di hospital yg kurang HO. Jd kena lah pandai menguruskan fitrah stress tu. Dulu satu HO jaga 20-40 ptn. Tp skrg ok sket. Yg penting kita yg kena jaga kebajikan diri kita bukan org lain. Pandai2 la kan.
      (4) Kos sara hidup tu sederhana la ye. Fasiliti alhamdulillah cukup n praktikal.
      Harap menjawab soalan. Wallahu'alam.

  20. Salam, Ive been reading your post, eventhough its 2014 already lol. Im a final year student, 1 more year to go insyaAllah. Al-kisahnya is im getting married with a Sabahan who lives in Kunak after we both graduate next year. We came to a decision that our HO years will iA be done at Hospital Tawau, upon reading ur post id say it made me want to go there even more. However may i ask about the facilities for us fresh graduates to start a new life there. Apartments/ quarters? will it be far from the hopsital?

    1. Ok bha. Hosp quarters available for sabahan. N apartments/rental house r alwys available n affordable. Just need to ask ur colleagues or staff there. They will find one for u.

  21. Hello doctor.. im a final year student too and im planning to apply in the hospitals in sabah.. and thinking bout tawau hospital and dutchess of kent.. I went through all the explanations that u gave about the place and the working system and I find it very useful.. I'd like to know about dutchess of kent as well.. do u think u can help me out.. which hospital do you think is better in learning wise and which place is better to live.. im planning to do both ho n mo in the same place.. hope to get a reply from you doctor.. tq and god bless :)

  22. Hello Dr.Ghazwanie. I am planning to apply to hospital tawau for my housemanship. I have a few questions.
    1) Kalau i apply buat HO kat sana nnti masa MO nk tukar pergi semenanjung is it easy?
    2) Is it a god place to learn? I heard if do HO in Sabah nnti masa nk buat masters got more chances
    3) How are the people in Sabah? Cost of living and the language. SEnang ke nk belajar bahasa sbah?
    4) I dengar tawua bnyk kes tb n infectious disease. We as houseman are we safe? and do they have treatments if we are exposed to those types of disease. Thank you.

  23. Hi Dr, I hope you're still able to answer questions from this blog >.< especially coming from 2019! I am expecting an email from eHO in the nearest coming weeks and i have been contemplating about doing my HO in either Tawau or Sandakan GH as i don't want to be far away from my family (Lahad Datu). I have found that your blog has the most informative details about Tawau GH but unfortunately this post was about 8 years ago. So I'm wondering how the conditions are like for housemen nowadays in Tawau GH. I know that you're no longer a houseman yourself but if you can, please let me know about number of housemen per dept, working hours, quarters and... anything else that might help me?

    Thank you xxxx
